This Is England

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fat Bob, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. Fat Bob

    Fat Bob VIP Member VIP Member

    Please let me firstly say that i do not intend to insult anyone in particular i just come across this and thought i would share it with everybody and see what others thought on it, in my opinion it is very very true


    I think this really sums it all up.

    After hearing that many cities did not want to offend other cultures by putting up Xmas lights, so DIDN'T!

    After hearing that the Birmingham council changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's licence with her face covered.

    After hearing of a Primary School in Birmingham where a boy was told that for PE they could wear Football League shirts (Aston Villa,Birmingham, West Brom etc) but NOT an England shirt as it could offend others !

    This prompted the editorial below written by a UK citizen.
    Published in a British tabloid newspaper.


    Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on London , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Brits.

    However, the dust from the attacks has barely settled and the 'politically correct' crowd begin complaining about the possibility that our patriotism is offending others.

    I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Britain . However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.

    This idea of
    England being a multicultural centre for community has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Britons, we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of wars, struggles, trials and victories fought by the untold masses of men and women who laid down their lives and of the millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

    We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!

    If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture. If St.George's cross offends you, then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.

    We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really don't care how you did things where you came from. This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this.

    But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our National Motto, or Our Way of Life, I encourage you take advantage of one other great British freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.

    We didn't force you to come here. If you don't like it GO HOME!!

    You asked to be here. So accept the country that accepted
    YOU. Pretty easy really, when you think about it.
    3 people like this.
  2. Furyous

    Furyous Alex

    The sentiment is decent, but it's a load of midly bigoted rubbish. I've read exactly the same hundreds of times before and will hundreds of times again, I'm sure.

    The problem is that it's completely lacking in facts, It's just conjecture. There may be degrees of truth to some of it, but where are the facts and rationale?

    "God is part of our culture" - A small part. An incresingly small part. And that's the thing, culture changes. The cultural landscape of Britain has undergone countless cultural transformations over thousands of years, often triggered by religion, immigration and/or technology. It's no different today. There is a degree of control that a nation can have over that change, but only a degree. Even France is losing that battle, despite the extensive use of extremely draconian cultural preservation initiatives and legislation.

    Despite that, I have a liberal perspective and have absolutely no time for measures that pander to mitigate against causing cultural 'offence'.

    The problem with this 'argument' (if you can call it that) is that it's predicated on exactly the same rationale expounded by those who cry out against the offensiveness of patriotism. It's basically saying 'it offends me that I can't do something I believe in, in case someone else is offended'. Religion breeds that attitude. If everyone just chilled the f*ck out and accepted one another's behaviour (short of causing actual harm), there's nothing at all problematic with an extensively multi-racial population. The problem is trying to accommodate multiple religions which were each designed thousands of years ago to urge their followers to undermine other's religions beliefs and lifestyles at any opportunity.
  3. Jim27

    Jim27 Administrator Staff Member

    All organised religion is bad for society. Sure, it can have a positive effect here and there but in the long-run it promotes intolerance and polarisation, which is counterproductive.

    Burn the churches and the mosques. All of them. Convert them instead into religion-neutral community centres, medical clinics, accommodation for the homeless - anything but a centre for organised religion.

    Religion should be a deeply personal thing, about how you live your life, your ethics and beliefs. It's no more about someone ELSE being more qualified to tell you what to do with your life and how to behave than neurosurgery is to do with baking chocolate muffins.

    Ordinary, sane and tolerant individuals do not want to be religious leaders. The problem you have there is that the positions of power (not responsibility - of POWER) within organised religion only attract the worst kind of people - those that you absolutely WOULDN'T want to wield that power or hold that position.

    It's a Catch 22.

    My solution?

    Take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
  4. bikenutter

    bikenutter VIP Member VIP Member

    Religion is the route of all evil!!! And used widely to control the greater population some times for good but more and more for evil I'm afraid.

    I don't believe in any god it's a pile of sh*t.

    I'm all for living within a multicultural British Society as long as people that want to live here understand that this is the UK, we're nation that likes a drink, our national sport is football and we have 4 national teams, each team has avid fans who support their team by wearing it's nations colours, if this offends you the quite frankly get used to it or f*ck off to whatever sh*t hole you ran away from!!!!!

    If my son or daughter was told they couldn't wear an England shirt because it's offensive to an other person I would force them to wear it every day how stupid and whilst I'm not sure if it's true I can believe it.
  5. Vvtr

    Vvtr ( . )Y( . ) Turtle Z VIP Member

    thing i see is that a lot of this is directed against muslims & asians in general.
    i personally have a few good muslim mates and know loads of the fkers and theyre all sound.
    every one of them.
    i dont know of a single one who's tried to blow themself up or awt and they dont try to ram their religion down people's throats or call us infidels & hate father christmas and union jacks.

    imo the ones who are making these daft bylaws are just as dim as the ones preaching the above rants in the style of enoch powell, and you can guarantee their claims and beliefs are based on shite rather than fact & personal experience.
    you will probably find that most immigrants would be more offended that people thought they were offended by waving a flag at them, or singing a christmas carol.
    utter bullshite all the political correctness imo & those responsible should be thrown into a pit of their own shite and left to rot.

    was discussing this with a muslim m8 the other day and tbh he was quite surprised at my opinion that we should be allowed to openly celebrate each other's religious holidays etc... like we celebrate the chinese new year, why dont muslims & hindus send each other a christmas card & have a day off.... i'd like a few days off to celebrate the festival of eid mubarak & hanukah etc...
    thats the only way we'l ever be proper multicultural.

    fk all the nobheads who are making the daft rules & spreading hate.
    most people just want to get on with stuff in peace & cba with all that crap.
  6. Vvtr

    Vvtr ( . )Y( . ) Turtle Z VIP Member

    see, thats the point daz.. it doesnt offend anyone at all.
    but what is offensive is some jerk telling us that you cant do this & that cos you will offend someone.
    cant fy a flag, cant sing carols, all that crap.
    the ones who are making these rules are the ones inciting hatred & they are the ones who need to stfu & get a grip.

    me personally, i do whatever the fk i want & dont really give a flying fk about people telling me what i cant do or say.
    fk em. i dont go round hurting people, thieving, causing violence etc so they can get to fk telling me how i live my life.
  7. Falcon

    Falcon New Member

    England sucks xD

    On another note religion can go and f*ck itself. It has caused more death and destruction over the eons than any worlds wars could of done
  8. Mozzersaints

    Mozzersaints MOZ VIP Member

    My view on it is, get a big island, place all of the imports on it and let the french do as much nuclear testing as they wish and il finish with

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  9. Vvtr

    Vvtr ( . )Y( . ) Turtle Z VIP Member

    as long as you put the french on it as well yeh :D
  10. CRAZY LEG5

    CRAZY LEG5 pɐǝɥ ssıd

    its a load of sh*t and it is our own government i'm not religious at all but thats my own decision you dont hear of any other country stoping there own from flying flags or like wise and foreigners should abide with our original laws like we would have to if we went to there country i have a few mates from different cultures and never known any off them to get offended whilst i wear a england shirt coz that is part of my culture
  11. Jaymar

    Jaymar New Member

    I can see everyones point of view but i do agree with Martin.

    I went to school in Chorlton cum hardy for 12 months in 1977. Even all those years ago i was the only white person in the class. I made some good friends and we still keep in touch now. If people actually talked to muslims etc i think you'll find they are not offended by our customs. It is the daft ideas of the heads of the country driving a wedge between cultures.

    In June this year we went to Middlewich boat festival. We decorated our boat and flew the union jack. Loads of people of all races waved and said hello then some snotty english man on a very posh boat shouted to us and asked if we realised we were breaking the law. When we asked why he said, By Flying the union Jack and we should take it down immediately!!!!
    Mark told him very politely that we're not going to. (all i can say is its a good job the man was in the middle of the water and he couldnt reach him! :pinch: )

    A lot of the time we are branded as racists. As far as i can see its not racism its resentment. The government is the cause of half the problems and is sending the wrong message to imigrants because they now know they have the upper hand in our country.
  12. CRAZY LEG5

    CRAZY LEG5 pɐǝɥ ssıd

    if i was theer i would of swap after him and took his boat hahah her's your pic anyway (old people and computers ay)[​IMG]
  13. Jaymar

    Jaymar New Member

    Thanks son,x I must master this picture posting. :oops:
  14. Digger

    Digger Danger Scouse

    I think its resentment,it just pisses me off having to follow rules set up by companies or govenment for English people to abide by whilst some other religions can do what they want like wearing headscarf with face covered ect whilst getting petrol but I have to take my helmet off.Also in some companies in my town,the management are considering bringing in Polish language tutors to teach the permanant English staff Polish so THEY can understand THEM.....WTF.
  15. pch1

    pch1 In the gang with Ewan and Charley VIP Member

    A case of:The sun never sets on the British Empire and chickens coming home to roost?
  16. Mozzersaints

    Mozzersaints MOZ VIP Member

    I honestly dont think i know any muslims, what i dislike is the guy who imeadiatly throws the race card if you say anything he dont wanna hear, im sure there are some great cultures within our country, and not all are tossers......BUT! my view is ........ if you want to stand in a street in enland and chant slogans about brittish troops, or you want to ban the union jack, or you want to allow the indian rapist to stay, bla bla bla then there should be two choices, the boat or the wall and if the tree hugging human right actavist dont like it ........ send them first.

    Now this is not me being racist because id send them ALL whites,blacks,browns,olives,yellows the friggin lot if you want to come here and stay fine but i'l be fucked if im going to pander to you. this is england, be an english man or leave simple our country our rules
  17. pch1

    pch1 In the gang with Ewan and Charley VIP Member

    A bit harsh for the Welsh fraternity? lol
  18. Woody

    Woody Super Naked. VIP Member

    If a woman goes to India she won't be accepted unless she covers up. Over here I believe they should not be allowed to cover their face. We would abide by there laws and they should do the same.

    Also I do not agree with the use of my taxs to give a home to someone that has moved here in less than 3 years. If you can't afford it don't bother coming.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  19. Mozzersaints

    Mozzersaints MOZ VIP Member

    fuckin hell mate id send the welsh first ha ha ha
  20. nutters dad

    nutters dad New Member

    ha ha ha , mozz your a marked man bro, send the welsh first boyo, wait till next years chippy run. as for religion , my bike and my fellow biker brothers come first,i don`t care what colour you are, if your a bro then fair enough. you can stick your religeon and politics up your a--e.

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