Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Radicalrabit2, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. fronkey

    fronkey New Member

    Don't you think the government are doing well. I think the Nazi's were miss understood. God is real but jeasus isn't..... Please pick away

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  2. robj

    robj If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer VIP Member

    You can make a gun with a 3D printer however, you'll be VERY lucky to get off more than one shot unless you use some pretty specialist bits.

    I know that one has been made and successfully fired in the states, but it was done by someone who knew what they were doing. There's also a bit more too it as you also need quite a few other bits that you can't print! (springs being one).

    I go to Royal Armouries in Leeds every few months with work and was talking about the 3D printer scenario with one of the scientists who work there (These scientists are the sort who match up machine tools to re-activated weapons and can look at something like a spring and tell you what gun it came from, that sort of thing) and they all agree that it is possible, but it's a question of defining possibility!
  3. HondaPete

    HondaPete New Member

    Well here's hoping they won't do it in this country, i know we have various laws that will bar such a thing at the moment, but it could be a criminals wet dream. One shot is one shot too many for those people, and all you need really....:dead:
  4. robj

    robj If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer VIP Member

    The 3D printer was a publicity stunt and not much more. Far, far easier is re-activating or illegally importing something.

    On a slightly different point, the firearms themselves are relatively easy to come by. What the criminals find much harder to come by is a supply of ammunition. Good quality 9mm rounds can fetch up to £50 each. There are people out there doing re-loads but they often don't work properly, or if they do, they're under powered as the person reloading tries to stretch the propellant further, a bit like when they cut drugs up.
  5. HondaPete

    HondaPete New Member

    Think i read somewhere that they could 3-D print a hip or a shoulder f
    or something crazy like 20p, it has fantastic medicinal uses, hopefully they'll put that side of it into production. I've made
    my own shotgun shells before but thats fairly easy, highly
    doubt you could reuse spent brass effectively? The 5.56 we used to discard from the L8A looked beyond use
  6. robj

    robj If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer VIP Member

    Hips and shoulders are relatively straightforward, it's the ligaments, tendons and other stringy bits that keep it all together and make it work that is the hard part!

    You can reuse brass, but you need good quality cases and a good fitting chamber in the gun to start with, hence a lot of misfires and failures.
  7. HondaPete

    HondaPete New Member

    Well you never know, they might just get it! Tech like this could cause leaps and bounds in the medical world, not to mention put less strain on the NHS ect.

    Still got some 338. from an L115 we used on the ranges, i'd never of even consider using 'recycled' rounds.
  8. KTM_Dude

    KTM_Dude TT 2015 Booked! Oh yeah! VIP Member

    Talking about printers, I changed one in work last month. When we were setting it up a colleague stuck a bank note in and set it to copy to check the quality. The printer came up with a warning saying it was illegal to copy a note!!
    Wow! Big brother is watching. Clever technology though.
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  9. robj

    robj If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer VIP Member

    Military stuff is cheap and designed to be discarded. The 'Green Spot' rounds that we used to use in the L96 were only better quality than the regular 7.62 rounds because they were the first so many of each batch and therefore more consistently within tolerance. We used to use a Barrett Light .50 (though no idea what bit of it is light!) and the only rounds we could use for our role (Raufoss API) were mass produced for the Browning Heavy Machine Gun and sometimes of varying quality.
  10. HondaPete

    HondaPete New Member

    Never got to
    use a 50. Sadly. What did you make of the AICS on the L96?
  11. robj

    robj If at first you don't succeed, get a bigger hammer VIP Member

    I only used it a couple of times in Bosnia in 1997. The RRF were out and ran a sniper course for all the NATO countries, making the most of Manjaca ranges, where they didn't have the same restrictions as the UK. The Sgt who was running the course approached EOD, knowing we had Barretts and as my team were nearest, we got to go down and play with the different rifles and they got to use the Barrett for comparison.
    Against things like the plastic anti tank mines, the 7.62 rounds worked much better than a .50, but then it was probably a case of using a sledge hammer to crack a nut as the reason we had the Barrett was to deal with large air dropped bombs! (The Raufoss round's armour piercing would crack the case and then the incendiary fill would burn out the explosive or so the theory went.....)
  12. HondaPete

    HondaPete New Member

    Never understood why we use barret 50. When we could use the AW50, its pretty much the same as the L96 in a 50. Chamber
  13. pch1

    pch1 In the gang with Ewan and Charley VIP Member

    I used Q80 but couldn't get it in this country so had to start using WD40...
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  14. KTM_Dude

    KTM_Dude TT 2015 Booked! Oh yeah! VIP Member

    A couple of blokes we shot with were from the military. We took the piss something rotten because they would speak in numbers all night :)
    When they went to the bar and asked what I wanted, I would say something like, "refreshment, liquid, alcohol, yellow, hops based.
    You know what I mean lol. One was a quartermaster and he was mental - Don't even get me started on starred items :)
  15. KTM_Dude

    KTM_Dude TT 2015 Booked! Oh yeah! VIP Member

    True story.
    When I was into shooting my eldest lad would have been about 5 or six. People would give me or swap me all kinds of gun related stuff, someone gave me a .357 replica that they didn't want and it ended up under the stairs and I forgot about it.
    When it was time for my inspection my son was really interested and sat watching the firearms officer check my weapons one by one. When he had finished he stood up, said thanks and the usual stuff and then there was a quiet bit and my lad said, "why don't you show him your other one?"
    I said, "because I don't have any more, you run along and play!"
    "Yeah you do, that big one under the stairs"
    The cop burst out laughing.
    It s funny looking back on it, but I shit myself at the time lol
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