roundabout fun

Discussion in 'Bike Pictures & Videos' started by Rock Steady, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Dave

    Dave Moderator Staff Member

    upper body not a million miles off to vastly improve that ..drop your right elbow down, the rest of the shoulder and arm etc will folllow and balance the weight more
  2. ExOldRacerGit

    ExOldRacerGit VIP Member VIP Member

    tried dropping the elbow etc ,just didn't work for me, being Old school, felt odd not being part of the bike, being low and having your chest (left lower part) resting on the right side of the tank (right hander) Felt way better, feel more in contol instead of being stuck out in the wind, just got to practice it a bit at the sisters tomorrow.
  3. fronkey

    fronkey New Member

    Think the sisters tomorrow will be a group of old men (me included) looking like marquez but traveling at 35mph
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    LFCKEV Well-Known Member


    This is one of me the other day
  5. fronkey

    fronkey New Member

    @35 mph
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