Breaking the law by speeding

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sensi5446, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. sensi5446

    sensi5446 New Member

    Hi all, after watching a video my wife showed me today of the police sat in a car with a speed gun and some saying it wrong or against the law, it got me thinking why do most of us speed, is it socially acceptable or are we all just born criminals? :roflmao: You break the law every time you go over the speed limit yet most people do it on a daily basis including police. I see police at the end of my road hiding behind bushes with a speed gun and have caught me once. It pissed me off, cost me money and I got points but I now go down that road at 30. Its a dual carriageway with a large field on one side but its a 30. There is a police dog/horse place where they hide so its a convenient spot for them.

    So none of us like speed cameras and they seem like cash cows but is it us that are wrong? I don't see the point in speed cameras as they don't work, you slow down, pass then speed up but average speed cameras do work as they cover a larger length of road.

    So should we all ride/drive within the limits and never above it? Should we increase the limit? Or should we fuck the law:ninja: and take our chances?
  2. lee

    lee Moderator Staff Member

    I much prefer average cameras. As they are almost always looking at the front of the vehicle. Which is great for

    My opinion is this. Ill ride how I see is
    fit for the road and conditions.
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  3. HondaPete

    HondaPete New Member

    In my experience the general attitude is to follow the limits in towns and villages and use common sense on country roads, as some you cant hit the limits safely and others you can see for miles. Mobile police cams on roads like the long straight on the snake, to me are just a cash cow, its a long straight followed by a sweeping bend with decent visibility, its not about safety in my eyes. I've yet to see one actually placed in a dangerous section of road, where people speeding would be an actual danger.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2014
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  4. ExOldRacerGit

    ExOldRacerGit VIP Member VIP Member

    For me Speeding is about commonsence, some/most of this is gained by Experience ( the hard way) Personally all schools should have speed cameras, but only turned on in school hours. 20 mph limits in really congested streets. mobile cameras ONLY in areas of real Accident potential. Same goes for Fixed ones. Me i ride to survive, usually to the limits well in 30,40 or 50. So often you hear Biker Down (and dead) in 30/40 zones and think straight away he/she has been speeding, would more than likely survive if they hadn't been! So Cameras to me are a Necessary Evil. I have speed detectors on all my bikes, not because i willfully speed , but just to tell me if i just happen to.
  5. HondaPete

    HondaPete New Member

    I use these too, by that i mean that Mrs.Honda punches me in the kidneys if i go too fast.
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  6. kaos

    kaos Administrator VIP Member

    How effective are these?
  7. Adam

    Adam New Member

    I'm a last minute person, always get up late/leave late. Not by choice, then I'm late... then...

    The odd time i'm earlier I usually just cruise and enjoy the ride.
  8. Perr38

    Perr38 New Member

    We all do it !! We all also know it's breaking the law if I do it and get caught then fair play I was doing wrong and wasn't paying enough attention we all have a choice.
  9. smudger

    smudger I Love SV650's

    I got flashed a few week ago on this new smart motorway cameras I was well in excess but it's 18 days now so let's see them try to take me court 14day rule
  10. HondaPete

    HondaPete New Member

    Motoring offences may be different but the time limit for issuing a summons for 'summary only' offences is 3 months from the date evidence of an offence was confirmed.......i've not yet been flashed as far as i know so i'm not sure.

    I've heard of the 14 day time limit, whether thats just guidelines or actual legal requirements, I'm not sure.

    (If someone could clear it up i'd be grateful, as i'm unsure if i was flashed a month or so ago)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2014
  11. Perr38

    Perr38 New Member

    If you haven't received a NIP within 14 days from a speed camera you will not be prosecuted it's longer if you get stopped by a traffic car for an offence
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  12. HondaPete

    HondaPete New Member

    Cheers :thumbsup:
  13. ExOldRacerGit

    ExOldRacerGit VIP Member VIP Member

    very ,but only for fixed. Inforad £30
  14. smudger

    smudger I Love SV650's

    Yep 14 for a nip or if you are stopped by a police officer this rule does not apply as it's classed as a verbal nip

    Also it's 6mths not 3
  15. Dave

    Dave Moderator Staff Member

    last time i got stopped for speeding Dixon Of dock green was on the TV …speed cameras weren't even born. pretty sure they used to guess how fast you were going ..
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  16. Jim27

    Jim27 Administrator Staff Member

    14 days might sound all well and fine but postal NIPs are deemed served simply by being posted. If a NIP goes missing in the post you are deemed to have received it anyway. No proof of delivery is required or demanded by the courts. So just because 14 days have passed and you haven't received a NIP doesn't categorically mean you got away with anything...
  17. Barts Dad

    Barts Dad New Member

    This is correct.
  18. sensi5446

    sensi5446 New Member

    So in your opinion is it OK to break some laws? Why is it OK to break the law when it comes to speed limits but not OK with other laws? I'm no angel when it comes to this but it just got me thinking as its something a lot of people do on a daily basis
  19. HondaPete

    HondaPete New Member

    A serious and deep question on the forum? Get your coat.
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  20. Phil M

    Phil M Well-Known Member

    Because speeding is an absolute offence, so far as plod are concerned if you're 1 mph over the speed limit it's an excuse for a pull if they want to. However, force policies vary, in some areas you'll get away with a bit over the speed limit before a prosecution so just like drink driving the law allows you to test it if you want to by having that extra pint or driving/riding a few mph faster to see what you can get away with. All law is similar, it boils down to case law and how judges in various courts interpret the law, the stautes are written in fairly general terms.

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