Your medical records are due to be sold off!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Th3judderman, Feb 8, 2014.

  1. lavinia

    lavinia Navigator Extraordinaire

    AAH I hadn't understood that from your first post, a complaint needs to be made to the hospital concerned this is not common practice and is not acceptable, I know less a bout funeral director codes but I imagine for want of a better phrase "corpse chasing" is not allowed and there may be a professional body that the FD can also be reported to. MY sympathies to your friend and their family it must have been a terrible shock.

    I am keen here not to be alarmist and people need to know that by and large personal information contained in their medical records is not accessible to anyone even in the hospital that is not directly involved in their care, and anyone who does access let alone share that information without just cause is likely to have to go through disciplinary action that may lead to dismissal but also a Professional conduct investigation with their professional body which may lead to their Licence/registration being removed and their career being ended.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2014
  2. lavinia

    lavinia Navigator Extraordinaire

    They will always try to obtain consent first wherever possible, and will go to great lengths to make sure that all due process is undertaken and yes disclosure can be a nightmare but rightly too. The process is different when the police make a request for disclosure to the situation where something is disclosed to the medic and they believe it is relevant to report it. Again Rob I am just trying to ensure that people do not think that disclosure is made at the drop of a hat and your post confirms that thanks :)
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