who says you cant take a baby out on your bike ;-)

Discussion in 'Humour' started by Lee Cych, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Lee Cych

    Lee Cych New Member

    ;) [​IMG]
    2 people like this.
  2. Matty-S-182

    Matty-S-182 What Red Light?

  3. jaffa1963

    jaffa1963 Southern Twat VIP Member

    you can get older kids in too. You just have to saw them in half so you can spread the body parts across both panniers.
    5 people like this.
  4. Lou_cbr

    Lou_cbr Smurf


  5. kev1382

    kev1382 Welsh Hoonigan VIP Member

    :clap: :clap: :clap:
  6. NED

    NED revin the hell out of it while i still can

    my wife is expecting in june so its good to know we can all go biking as a family..seen some paniers for the r1 on ebay...result..
    might put the dog in the other side to balance things out..mega lol
  7. Lee Cych

    Lee Cych New Member

    shown a colleague at work on thursday, he said bit fucking dangerous that if you ask me, i just pissed myself and walked off :lmfao:
  8. NED

    NED revin the hell out of it while i still can

    wot a tool

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