Memorial service for the gpr….

Discussion in 'The Garage' started by kaos, May 16, 2008.

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  1. kaos

    kaos Administrator VIP Member

    He’s dead!! Quite luckily I am not however…

    I was going down the motorway, just over took a car and moved back to the left lane whilst approaching a left corner, cruising at about 75-80mph. Suddenly the front end drops and it rapidly decelerates, and the back wheel locks up….it bounces all over, it kicks out to the right and then nearly highsides me as it bounces and flicks back to the left. It does this for abit as im trying to regain control (all with the back wheel locked up) and soon as its not too violent, now down to about 15mph, I manage to extend my fingers and get the clutch in, rolled onto the hardshoulder.

    During it all, I thought the gearbox had seized, until I got to the point where I pulled the clutch in and it free’d up so I thought it couldn’t be that. I rang my bike mechanic mate and explained it, he said it sounded like I had a semi-seizure and its fucked the piston now.

    Although what I am happy with is the amount of people that stopped as I was pushing it off the motorway, 5 that was. I didn’t wanna stay on the motorway cos them traffic officers love to come over and “help” and charge you to remove you from the motorway – unless its changed recently. I pushed it onto the east lancs, rang my boss and told him I wont be there for awhile, rang my mate with a trailer and he said he would be an hour. So I got bored for an hour or so……

    Here’s me dead bike, although he looks very well here…

    Here’s where I went to sleep for abit…

    My mate rang back after going to get the trailer from his dads, and said that a car was blocking it in and so couldn’t get it out. Id been there for an hour and half (good job I went to sleep for some of it tho). The bike is now at homebase on the east lancs and I paid £13 in a taxi to get work.

    Still need to get the bike home yet! :( - anyone got a bike trailer I can lend?
  2. paul

    paul Administrator Staff Member

    Unlucky to hear this Ben :( Do you not know anyone with a van instead?
  3. Falcon

    Falcon New Member

    you managed to get anyone to pick it up yet? not a great place to leave it to be fair :E
  4. kaos

    kaos Administrator VIP Member

    Its quite a bad place to leave it. My mate is picking me up in his cage when he finishes work so i'll see if i can use his AA, i'll buy him a drink for it :D
  5. kaos

    kaos Administrator VIP Member

    Finally got home, and got the bike with me....

    My mate picked me up after work, we went for a drink and rang the AA. Then went back to the bike and he'd already arrived...


    But, surprisingly he couldnt get it going! lol so he had a get a flat back truck down...he said that would take an hour and half (he wasnt lying) but its a good job my mate has got dvd in his car so we watched road trip, then truck came....


    The lad is one from just round the corner from me and my aged...small world, so spent ages speakin to him

    now havin stella to make it all seem better! :lol:
  6. chadz

    chadz Guest

    unlucky m8

    dont get breakdown people you ring up sayin its fooked bring a van to try and fix it when you have said it goosed then get another van down

    waste of there time,your time and sodding fuel

    if u need a hand just ask :thumbsup:
  7. spikeytaff

    spikeytaff Moderator Staff Member

    glad to hear it didn't chuck you off

    what's the plan now, repair it or new bike?????????????
  8. Guest

    hi there mate unlucky nice to hear you didnt fall i noticed it has only got 1 front disk brake is it a 125 ??

    2strock or 4

    because 70mph for a 125 2 strock isnt realy crusing and for a 2 strock is it 70 crusing thanks

    its because im interested in the gpr
  9. chadz

    chadz Guest

    well if you intrested in gprs you should know as its a

    derbi gpr 125 2 stroke

  10. kaos

    kaos Administrator VIP Member

    gonna repair it mate. Then sell it, then get a new bike - thats the plan anyway.

    Cheers for the comments mate - 70mph is 8k rev's so it can do it quite nicely, i was doing a bit more than that tho.

    As chadz said, its a 2 stroke 125 ;)
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